
Love Boo Super Stretchy Miracle Oil Review

Love Boo Super Stretchy Miracle Oil Review

Love Boo Super Stretchy Miracle Oil Review

This Super Stretchy Miracle Oil review examines the manufacturer’s claims that this product will help to nourish, firm, and moisturize the skin. The consequence is that the skin will be soft, elastic, and evenly toned. The manufacturer Love Boo’s claim that their product supports the prevention and reduction of the appearance of stretch marks. This oil’s makers also claim that it is effective against dry, aging, and uneven skin tone. In addition, that this oil minimizes the appearance of scarring and damaged skin.  


The ingredients in this product are:

This formula lacks key ingredient that have clinically proven to fade stretch marks. These ingredients are medical grade silicone, Aloe Vera, and Emu oil. In addition, this formula contains items sourced from nuts, which could be problematic for people with nut allergies.


The manufacturer recommends that the user directions are that the oil be massaged all over the breasts, stomach, hips, thighs, and buttocks twice daily, to prevent stretch marks.


You can purchase a 10 ml bottle of Super Stretchy Miracle Oil for $22,04 online. The manufacturer does offer five different purchase options; the largest bottle being 200 ml. However, this item may only be bought within the United Kingdom; no international shipping is allowed for. Therefore, you cannot buy this oil if you are in the United States and have it shipped to you.

Guarantee & Feedback

This item may be returned to the manufacturers by dissatisfied online customers for a full refund, excluding the return shipping fee, if returned within 2 weeks of purchase.  The correct return procedure, as stated on the company’s website, must be followed.

In addition, despite a detailed search, we were unable to find enough reviews to conduct an analysis on the reviews. Reviews are useful, as they provide an indication of how other people experienced the product, its benefits and negative aspects. However, here we could not use customer reviews to sustain the claims made by the manufacturer.

Our Conclusive Review About Super Stretchy Miracle Oil

The item, Super Stretchy Miracle Oil purports to prevent and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. It appears to be a safe and effective product for women who have this as a concern that they will develop stretch marks during their pregnancy. In addition, there are no side effects listed for this stretch mark oil. Regrettably, the product is only sold in the United Kingdom, and cannot be shipped out of the country. Furthermore only two weeks are allowed for a trial of this product ─ far too short a time, considering that most studies took eight weeks to see results. Many other similar products on the market offer better availability and a free trial: these may present a better option.

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