
Sephorris Review

Sephorris Review for nail fungus

Sephorris is a treatment made by Herb of Kadeem®. The product impedes the creation of micro-organisms which brings about a thickness and staining of the nail.

Through a combination of fundamental oils and herbal extracts combined it prevents the expansion of various fungi, yeasts and molds. It will also impede the nail’s deprivation.

The Sephorris website claims that after about one week of application and upon completing the treatment, the nail will return to its normal color.

Sephorris highly anti-bacterial and assures the customer with a success rate higher than 95%.

It comes in a dazzling pink box, with a brown glass bottle within. I investigated further to see if Sephorris is more than a fancy packaging, inspecting the components, value and guarantee of the product for potential buyers.


Sephorris include many active ingredients:


To use Sephorris, you should apply a fine cover directly to the contaminated nail with the brush provided. The product should be applied twice a day – morning and evening.

For contagion that are more than 3 years old, an extended treatment may be required, often up to 12 months or more in severe cases.

In such cases, it is vital to follow through with your treatment – the darkening of the nail to a Gray, Brown, or Black color is a sign that the treatment has started to act on the fungus. For very thick nails, it is recommended soaking in warm water and filing them down before starting your treatment series.

The supplier advises that a bottle of 10ml is enough for 9 months of treatment for one nail and that treatment could last from three months to one year.

*Side effects have not been supplied by the manufacturer.


Sephorris can be bought at several online retailers. Amazon sells Sephorris for $39.95 while Aviva sold it for $36.99.

Vitamin global sold the product for $27, which is a sale at the moment, down from around $45 (prices were in Canadian dollar).

At this value Sephorris appears to be an expensive product, however the instructions did assert that one bottle is enough for 9 months of treatment for one nail.


No guarantee could be found for Sephorris. Although the retailers will have their own money-back guidelines for products though, so a purchaser may wish to shop around.

Some user reviews are available, many of which were 5/5 stars, representing a lot of pleased customers.

Conclusion – Sephorris Review

Sephorris gives the impression to be a product which does what it states it will- preventing the growth of nail fungi, yeast and molds plus stop the nails degradation.

Sephorris uses all unrefined ingredients which may be an additional benefit for some probable buyers.

The instructions for use are simple to follow, although the treatment time is long- up to 12 months depending on the nature of the fungus.

Varying prices for Sephorris can be found online, from around $27 up to $29.95. Numerous of the shoppers left contented reviews of the product which is a good sign.

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