Femi-Yin for Menopause BioMed Review

Femi-Yin is an herbal supplement comprised of four natural ingredients. It claims to help relieve several symptoms and common discomforts of menopause. It also claims the very cliché statement that it can “make you feel like yourself again”. Because of the lack of information available, we decided to research this product a little further.
Femi-Yin contains the four following all-natural ingredients:
- Rehmannia – the root of this plant and the parts that are grown above are commonly used to make medicine. It is found in many herbal combinations of traditional Chinese and Japanese medicines. Rehmannia is used for people with diabetes, anemia, osteoporosis, allergies, fever and those with weakened bones. There is not enough scientific evidence to explain how rehmannia works but some of the chemicals present in the plant seem to affect the immune system, reduce pain and swelling, as well as lower blood sugar levels.
- Asiatic Dogwood – is a tree that is found in China and Japan. The fruit is used for medicinal purposes. The fruit is high in tannins; these are found in vegetables and fruits. They bind to and help proteins function. Asiatic Dogwood is used to help support liver functions and to support the reproductive system.
- Chinese Yam – is also known as the wild yam. It contains a chemical called diosgenin that is used in laboratories and converted into various steroids like estrogen. The body is unable to convert diosgenin into estrogen. Of the 600 species only 12 are considered edible. It is promoted as an alternative to traditional estrogen therapy but because the body cannot convert the diosgenin, there is no scientific evidence that it is beneficial to the human body.
- Tree Peony Bark – is a plant and its root is used to make medicines. Peony is traditionally used by woman to ease menstrual cramps, premenstrual syndrome or to aid in causing an abortion. The peony may block chemicals in the body that cause muscle cramps as well as preventing blood clots.
Femi Yin is suggested to be taken daily in the form of one tablet.
Femi-Yin costs $27.99 and comes in 60 tablet bottles.
The company that produces Femi-Yin offers a 30 day refund on certain products. They do not disclose which products.
Conclusion – Femi-Yin for Menopause BioMed Review
Femi-Yin does make many claims that woman suffering from menopause might find useful. However, there are several factors that would cause someone to hesitate before making a purchase. The website is designed poorly. It also lacks proper English spelling and grammar. There is no assurance the product comes with a guarantee. While the ingredients do offer some relief to numerous ailments, they are not all specifically designed or proven effective for woman suffering from menopause.