BioGanix Pure Caralluma Fimbriata Review

As the name indicates, this product is another of the Caralluma fimbriata-based offerings marketed for weight loss. BioGanix Pure Caralluma Fimbriata features a herbal ingredient that a celebrity TV doctor described as a revolutionary fat loss aid. Its maker also doesn’t hold back, saying it is a product for people who are interested in losing pounds and inches effortlessly. With a 10:1 extract, BioGanix says it offers maximum potency, in a 10:1 formula. The supplement is claimed to both help to suppress appetite and reduce body fat. We encourage you to read our BioGanix Pure Caralluma Fimbriata review to the end to better assess these claims.
The product label shows this formula features Caralluma fimbriata 10:1 extract. You get 1000 mg of the “whole plant extract” per serving of Pure Caralluma Fimbriata. This ingredient, which comes in a vegetarian capsule, offers dual action. It interferes with hunger messages being sent by the hypothalamus to the brain. This action assists in keeping your appetite under control. It also halts fat production and facilitates the breaking down of fat deposits in the body.
You are to take two capsules of Pure Caralluma Fimbriata a day with an 8-ounce glass of water. The use should ideally be between 30 and 40 minutes before you eat. What is not clear, however, is whether the capsules are to be taken once or used at different times.
Possible Side Effects
BioGanix says this supplement is all natural and free of side effects. You will not experience headaches or nausea from using Pure Caralluma Fimbriata, according to the company. We, however, saw a complaint of stomach issues and headaches by a user on Amazon. It’s always best to stay within the recommended dosage guidelines.
The price of a bottle of Pure Caralluma Fimbriata is $19.97 on the manufacturer’s website. This is said to be a savings of $37.53. We didn’t notice any bulk discount offer. But the maker offers buyers the option of subscribing for the supplement to enjoy a 10% discount.
BioGanix says it believes in the superior quality of its products and offers buyers a 100% money-back guarantee, valid for a full year after purchase. You can request a refund if you are not happy with the results through seller support or directly via its phone number or website.
Conclusion of Our BioGanix Pure Caralluma Fimbriata Review
This supplement has the potential to be beneficial to users. It offers just about the right amount of Caralluma fimbriata recommended for weight loss purposes and we like the year-long 100% money back guarantee. However, it appears slight side effects may be experienced from usage, according to customer feedback. There are also the odd cases of people who said they did not notice any improvement from using the supplement. Amazon customer feedback for this product is only average, for the category and we find the 25% of feedback that rated it negativvely to be of concern. We think there are more effective products for shedding pounds available online.