Hemapro Hemorrhoid Relief Review

Hemapro Hemorrhoid Relief Review
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Hemapro is a heavily advertised hemorrhoid relief product that uses all the trendy buzzwords to attract the public to a sensitive topic.  Commentary and hype are no substitutes for actual relief.  How does Hemapro measure up?



Hemapro advertising claims that it contains all natural, top quality herbs that provide soothing relief from the discomfort of hemorrhoids 100% of the time.  When something sounds too good to be true, it usually is.  No product is perfect; anything claiming to work completely all of the time should be suspect to a wary consumer.

Consumer wariness rises when you learn that Hemapro completely fails to list the ingredients of its ‘perfect hemorrhoid solution.’  Anyone can be allergic to anything; first and foremost one must be concerned about an allergic reaction to a product that does not thoroughly and competently list its active ingredients.

Isn’t suffering from hemorrhoids bad enough without risking the possibility of an allergic reaction that could have been avoided by simply and honestly listing the product ingredients?


The suspicious plot thickens when the consumer notes that Hemapro packaging completely omits the recommended dosage.  Now, not only does the consumer have no idea what ingredient they are applying to their body, they have no idea what is too much, too little or just right.    This type of failure doesn’t inspire confidence in the product at all.


The one thing that is fully represented is the exorbitant price tag:  Hemapro costs $229, making it one of the most expensive hemorrhoid relief products on the market.  For this price, you supposed get a year’s supply. Whether your supply will, in fact, last a year depends on how much you use for each application so this is impossible to know.


Hemapro offers a 100% money back guarantee without more specifics on what is required to activate the guarantee.

Conclusion of Hemapro Hemorrhoid Relief Review

This ‘absence of information’ ranging from product contents to recommended dosage directions and guarantee activation is more than enough to put a reasonable consumer off. When you’re talking about applying a product to the most sensitive area of your body, you want assurance that it is safe, reliable and comes with clear directions.

Hemapro is nowhere near a good enough product if they are are unwilling to provide detailed information as to the ingredients of their product.   This type of non-disclosure of key information stands in sharp contract to a product that is rated #1 by Consumer Health Review.

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